Press Release Writing Tips for 2024


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Press Release Writing Tips for 2024

Launching a new business, a website, or a new aspect of your business? A press release can be a great way to get the word out and to boost your SEO.

Press releases are typically drafted by the marketing team and posted, where they can be picked up by editors of relevant publications. If you’ve worked with certain publications in the past, you can even send them a copy of your press release by email.

But how can you craft the perfect press release? Have trends changed in press releases this year compared to past years? Let’s talk about press release writing tips in today’s blog.

Grab Attention With the Headline

Your headline should get people excited for this news. That doesn’t mean using capital letters and exclamation points throughout at the cost of seeming unprofessional. But you can use words that draw people in, such as “[Brand Name] Launches Exciting New Website To Share Their Products With the World” or “[Brand Name] Launches to Bring the Personal Touch Back to Digital Book Sales.”

Make sure the name of your brand is mentioned in the headline. Your headline should be enthusiastic, as well as attention grabbing. Make those who read it enthusiastic, as well.

Add a Subheadline If Necessary

Sometimes your news is hard to introduce in just a headline, or you write your attention grabbing headline but find it’s too long and bulky. This is where it might help to add a subheadline. Your headline will carry the main responsibility of grabbing attention and drawing readers in. Your subheadline need not be flashy. Instead, it can give context to your headline. For instance, your subheadline could go into the industry your brand operates within, such as “online bookseller brand with 20 years of experience works with authors and indie booksellers for their new platform.”

You may not need a subheading for every article. However, Google’s algorithm likes the formatting and, again, it can add context to your headline while remaining snappy and short.

Hook Readers With the Intro

Your headline is how you get the attention of your readers, but your introduction paragraph should be how you hook them. This is true of anything you write. Your introduction paragraph sets up expectations for the readers and briefly goes over why this news is so exciting. Every sentence in your introduction should compel the reader to keep reading. Your introduction should set up the expectation that the reader has a question and your press release — and ideally your new website, business, product or service — has the answer.

On the note of hooking the reader with a great introduction…

Don’t Bury the Lede

In journalism, they always say you should never bury the lede. Your first sentence should make it clear what this press release is about. You can go into detail and give context throughout the press release, but the first sentence should simply state the reason for the press release. This is also a good way to boost your SEO. By including those key words and phrases in the introductory paragraph, your press release is more likely to get ranked by Google’s algorithm.

Pepper Your Press Release With Quotes and Data

Next, you’ll want to lend authority to your press release within the body of the article. You can do this by including quotes from the entrepreneur or from some of the customers of the entrepreneur. This makes the press release more engaging and shows that actual people are behind this and interested in this. It’s not just another bit of business news in a sea of the same.

If you can add data and statistics to your press release — that support the reason you’re launching this new aspect of your business — so much the better. People are more likely to trust hard numbers and figures than an enthusiastic statement that your brand is “really, really good.” Back up what you’re saying where you can and the press release will have more credibility.

Establish Why This Is News

The ideal goal for a press release is to be picked up by publications to spread the word about your new launch, event, etc. But no editor will be interested in your press release unless you can convince them it’s actually news. The body of your press release should do most of the work in establishing why this news for your brand is unique and why it’s worth people knowing. This will also help to create buzz. The more you can establish that this is needed and new, the more you’ll be able to drive customers to you.

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