How to Generate High-Quality Leads from Your Website

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How to Generate High-Quality Leads from Your Website

Your website can be a great place to generate leads. It is the central hub of your business online. If you run an online store, your website is your business. You can encourage users to sign up for your newsletter or for news on special promotions.

The goal is to generate high-quality leads that are actually likely to make a purchase, rather than leads that will fizzle out partway down the sales funnel. Here are our tips for how to generate high-quality leads from your website.

Create Buyer Personas

It’s important to know your audience. Who finds your product truly relevant, and who might show initial interest before promptly bouncing? Buyer personas help you to focus your lead generation attention so you can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your buyer persona is a sort of character profile for your ideal buyer. It should include an age range, general idea of their lifestyle (single working professional, mother of two, retiree, etc.), potential interests, as well as problems they face that your brand could address. You can use this as a guide when coming up with a lead generation strategy.

Get a Head Start

There will be plenty of opportunities to generate leads when your website launches, but what about while you’re still building your website? You can create some buzz by beginning an email list before your website launches. Advertise on social media, offering updates about the upcoming website launch as well as special offers. This way, you have an audience who is on this journey with you, excited for your news, as well as potential leads right from the get-go.

Add Email List Forms To the Most Commonly Visited Pages

This is common sense, but it’s effective. The more people visit a particular webpage, the more important it is to focus your lead generation efforts there. Take a look at the analytics dashboard for your website and make a list of the pages that consistently get the most traffic. Then it’s a matter of simply plugging in an email list form at the bottom of the page or in the center of the written content and waiting for new leads to come in.

Monitor Your Lead Generation Performance

You likely have several different methods of lead generation that you’re trying simultaneously. Rather than running yourself ragged with too many lead generation attempts, take some time to track the progress of your lead generation. You may find that some strategies are more successful than you realized, while others may be underperforming. This way, you can cut loose the lead-generation strategies that aren’t serving you and focus on those that are.

Create High-Quality Website Content

If you want to market on your website, a blog is a must. There you can share news about your company as well as helpful information and tips relevant to your audience. You don’t want to fill your blog with fluff. Write engaging posts chock full of information and backed up with data or authority. The more useful your blogs are, the more likely your audience is to come back.

You end all blogs with a call-to-action (CTA). In your CTA, you can encourage your readers to contact you for further information or to sign up for your email list. You can also plug an email signup form in the midst of the blog for those interested. And this does not have to be limited to blogs. You can create engaging landing pages or other web pages on your website to draw in more engagement.

Use Gated Content

This is an extremely common form of lead generation. You can create a landing page based on one of your services or one of the issues relevant to your audience. Offer engaging, informative content up front and then offer to send them a free ebook, whitepaper, or other content that dives into the topic in a more in-depth way. They sign up for your email list, and you send the PDF. That way, they get the information that is helpful to them, but you can keep them posted on any news or promotions about your business to come.

Offer a Demo or Free Trial

Everyone loves getting things for free, and a free trial or demo is a great way to build leads who might be interested in your product while they see if it’s right for them. Offer a free trial or demo on your website and include that in CTAs, as well as a navigation button towards the top of the page. That way, no one will miss it and you won’t miss any of those

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