SMS Are The Perfect Tool To Generate Leads

SMS are the perfect tool to generate leads

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SMS Are The Perfect Tool To Generate Leads

All the technological tools you have at your disposal to generate leads and attract potential clients are practical actions for your business.

Social networks, websites, and messaging services are beneficial and versatile platforms to promote communication between your company and your customers.

Text messaging services are especially one of the most popular communication platforms, with fascinating statistics for entrepreneurs with an Internet presence. It is worth taking some time to get to know them.

According to Nielsen’s business solutions company, text messaging is currently the most common data service globally.

With these numbers, it is not surprising that this is the case. About 22 million people send text messages a day, with an average viewing rate of 3 minutes. That is, it is a powerful, fast and effective connection tool.

Now imagine one of your clients searching the internet for a service or a company like yours, enters your page, is interested in what they see, and wants to contact you immediately. If your site is connected to a messaging system, in less than three minutes, you will have potential clients to work with.

This also offers your business a great opportunity for lead generation. Remember, remaining  competitive is vital! Preparing your company should not be an option, rather an action.

To enjoy the benefits of SMS services here are five things you can apply to boost your business.




1.Find a strategic position on your website to display your phone number: This will make it easy for your users and visitors to locate you if they have any questions, seek additional information, or require personalized attention. Be careful to include in sites like Google my Business, Yelp, Facebook your phone number, and in those that have the option to add a direct button that gives access to text messaging that is active. 

2. Create a texting program and encourage users to sign up: this way, you can promote special offers, invite events, and nurture relationships with your customers. With these programs, some companies take advantage of customer loyalty and relationship marketing work.

3. You can ask your clients to give your service testimonials: your clients’ opinions are a direct hook to obtain potential clients. This is what is called social proof. Social proof builds trust, and this is very important when it comes to sales. Go ahead and ask them to leave a review on your digital sites.

4. Give immediate responses: Studies show that text messaging gives you the option to respond in record time. Assign staff to take care of customers via SMS to provide quick answers while building trust and rapport.

5.Interconnect the platforms: which would be the same as the integrated marketing application. Link Facebook and other channels with text messaging. There are enormous momentum and lead generation potential in these powerful tools.

The best thing about text messages is that people don’t need to have the internet to use them, so to date, it remains one of the relatively clean channels. Additionally, a person is much more likely to read a text message than an email.


So go ahead, boost your business with current technology. Use SMS to your advantage!

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