How Do We Generate Sales-Qualified Payroll Services Leads?
1. Field Inquiries from Motivated Payroll Services Prospects
Our well-rounded marketing regimen consistently produces companies who are interested in acquiring outsourced Payroll Services.

2. Double Verify Leads via Phone
Once we receive a qualified inquiry from a Payroll Services prospect, our team gives them a call to double-verify their interest and needs.
3. We Send Leads Directly to your CRM
Within minutes, high-intent, sales qualified Payroll Services leads are on their way to your CRM and/or Marketing Automation.

Lead Generation for Payroll Services Companies
Companies respond to our marketing: We then touch them several times to ensure a top standard of quality. It’s no surprise why some of the most successful Payroll Services companies use our program with massive success.
- We screen and double-verify each Payroll Services Lead, thus ensuring it meets our standard of quality
- Well-trained agents ask a set of specifically curated questions to prospects in order to filter leads we send to clients.
- Leads are sent directly to the CRM/Marketing Automation platform(s) of your choice