How to Scale Your Business Remotely


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How to Scale Your Business Remotely

Entrepreneurs are ambitious. You don’t just dream of starting your business, but of your business thriving and growing over the years. Scaling your business is the ability to make your business structure flexible so that it can grow based on your needs, and it’s something many entrepreneurs find exciting.

But now in a landscape that is increasingly digital, you may wonder how you should go about scaling your business from a remote work or hybrid perspective. What changes, and what remains consistent? Let’s go over some tips for how to scale your business remotely in today’s blog.

Broaden Your Talent Pool

As your business grows, your team will need to grow as well. In some ways, a remote business model can actually help you scale your business. Rather than being limited to job candidates in your local area, you can search a wide range of job candidates from all over the country or even all over the world. This can ensure that you truly find the best person for the job.

If you hope to reach a global customer base, it can help to have some employees that work in timezones more relevant to those global customers. It can also keep your business from becoming an echo chamber, by encouraging cultural diversity in your recruiting.

Find a Remote Infrastructure That Works

In order to work remotely, communication is key. Most remote businesses have a software that they use to do their work and communicate about any work related issues. They may also use chat softwares such as Slack or Skype, or their workflow software may have a chat feature within it.

Whatever your communication needs, make sure you find a software or a digital infrastructure that is flexible enough to scale with your business. Some softwares may have different pricing plans. This way you can pay for what you need and then scale when you’re able.

Have a Clear and Documented Process

In any business, there are going to be moments in which you run into unexpected problems or someone on your team has questions. When working remotely, however, this could leave your business floundering. It might be easy enough for a small business, but as you scale, employees may not know where to turn when they have an issue or need support with their work.

This is why it’s important to have a clear and documented process. Make sure everyone knows where they need to turn in the event of the unexpected, and try to plan for as much as you can. The better prepared you are, the more smoothly your business will be able to scale and grow.

Focus On Company Culture

As your company grows, it can be easy to lose sight of company culture. This is especially true when you have a remote business with employees all over the globe. You may not be able to get together for lunches or office parties, but company culture is still an important part of morale amongst your company — as well as a crucial way to draw in new talent.

Even as a smaller company, figure out what your culture is. What are your values, what kind of workplace atmosphere do you want to cultivate, and how do you want employees and customers to feel when they think about your company? Then figure out ways to work that into remote work. You might not be able to have in-person dinners or office parties, but you could have a movie night or regular meetings over chat.

Set Clear Work Expectations

Growing your company means growing your responsibilities. As your workload increases, you need to make sure that your team is up to the task. But with remote work, you often have employees working on different schedules with different methods of work. This can sometimes lead to a confusion about what is urgent and what isn’t, as well as a dip in productivity.

This is why it’s important to set clear expectations for when things are due and how they should be done. Make sure this is communicated clearly to all of your team and that they have access to any resources or instructions.

You may not work in a traditional 9-5 schedule, and you may have employees work on various schedules. Because of this, you’ll want to set time-frames not by work hours but by deadlines. This allows your team members to choose the work process that makes them the most productive, with clear parameters in mind for what’s expected of the work.

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