LinkedIn for Business to Business (B2B) Sales


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LinkedIn for Business to Business (B2B) Sales

Social networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, among others, have been an incredible connection platform that has made it possible to connect with people all over the world.

What began as a network to interact started has become one of the most powerful digital media for meetings, meetings, events, and especially for the economic boost of entrepreneurs and companies. But let’s talk about companies, B2B is the market segmentation expected to attract and attract a potential client. How can you optimize the profiles on social networks, especially LinkedIn, so that this is possible?

This platform covers an audience of approximately 58 million companies, a digital platform that allows connection and interaction between B2B businesses. The growth opportunities promise to be good.
However, it depends on many factors.

What do you think? Do these figures make you consider the importance and relevance of showing a good profile on LinkedIn?

Why use LinkedIn for B2B marketing

LinkedIn is an ideal social network for B2B since it allows a reasonably direct interaction, the creation and publication of content, and of course, the projection of a Brand through marketing techniques.
Given the relevance of presenting a solid profile to a peer or a potential B2B client, we will show you 3 techniques to optimize your LinkedIn profile and prepare it to stand out from the crowd.


  1. Identify your goal:
    Due to the interaction characteristics in LinkedIn, you must identify your company’s purpose and how you want B2B to perceive you.
    Depending on that objective you set, the direction of the content you create, the presentation, and the marketing application will be determined. How can you do it? Show what you do and your added value. What is it that makes you different? How can your service help them? Identifying the objective allows you to make an effective marketing plan.
  1. Do not use your profile to sell:
    If something does not work to sell, you deal directly. Companies seek that you provide a service, a solution to their problems, requirements, or requests, not that you advertise a product to get their money. It shows that you can help them. Offer something of interest, and you will indeed have a lasting business relationship.
  2. Know and identify your competition: As we mentioned before, there are many companies registered and interacting on LinkedIn, many of them provide the same service as you. And this is where the ingenuity of trying to stand out above the others begins. How can you do it?
    1. Identify your competition.
    2. Study its content.

Why? Because customers are increasingly demanding and aware that they have options. Therefore, show that among all to choose, you excel.

B2B marketing requires innovative and intelligent strategies. Applying them to a platform that gives you the correct interaction scenario is one of the best actions you can take to boost your business.
LinkedIn has a lot to offer for B2B. Optimize your profile so that you enjoy all its benefits.

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